Bloggin Hood’s Next Project or We’re Not Retired Yet

October 29, 2018 By Bloggin Hood

“God is dead”

Let’s start the reboot off on a positive note, shall we?
This famous quote was stated by the philosopher Friedrick Nietzsche, whose name needed to be googled four times before I spelled it right. This phrase isn’t meant literally. It’s also not an over dramatic phrase of a teenager who think their “friend” is dead to them because they couldn’t hold their own in a FortNite free for all.. No, what Big Poppa Nietzsche intended to say is with the advancement of science and technology, God took a back seat in society. Previously, God was the explanation for so many of the world’s mysteries. Now, there were concrete answers to many of these questions. Society may not have been able to answer if a hot dog was a sandwich, but they knew a hell of a lot more than in the middle ages. As a result, religion wasn’t as important, expect during election season.

Nietzsche also had some shocking theories on Mustache Rides, but that’s a story for another post

It’s at this time, I’d like to present my own radical theory. This one doesn’t involve Darkwing Duck, so take note. You won’t get this from Bloggin Hood very often.
“Game of Thrones is dead” -Blogging Hood (various times 2016-2018)
I feel like I need to specify that nothing has happened to old boy George. Sure, he’s not a spring chicken and he’s built roughly like a Halloween pumpkin (topical!), but there’s no reports of him having bad health. A lot of that is baseless speculation because he’s a bit plump. I don’t think it’s fair to assume he’s in danger. You can’t judge a book by it’s cover. And that’s part of the problem. We have no cover of a book to judge.
and that brings us to the crux of my argument. Martin recently had the audacity to say Game of Thrones could continue for 5 more seasons. Based on what? The content he failed to write? He certainly isn’t watching the show anymore because anyone with half a brain knows the plot has deteriorated to CBS level drama. Unless this was a humble brag about the show needing his creative touch, this was an infuriating quote.
It was so maddening that when I read it, all I could do was shout “What?!” for 20 minutes.  It got so bad, Maid Megan had to kick me out of the house until my screaming subsided. Fortunately, I had headphones on, so other people just assumed I was rapping along to DMX.
This idiotic statement got me thinking – Has Game of Thrones deteriorated as badly as I thought, or am I one of those people who champion the books above all? It would horrify me to be that guy. I mean, I’m already that guy in many other ways – I don’t need to add “the book is always better” to the list. It’s hard enough getting invited to parties and happy hours as it is.
I had little choice but to act. I began re-watching Game of Thrones to see if what I’ve thought for the last couple of years is true. Does the show fall off a cliff when the book material run out? Does the show’s original content add nothing of value and detract from the narrative? How many people are naked during this series anyway?
I could just tell you my thoughts in one blog, but Game of Thrones is a cultural phenomenon. I can criticize the later seasons all I want but ratings talk and people are still super invested. With the final season looming in a few short months,* I though a more interactive rewatch might be the way to go. Therefore, starting this week, welcome to Bloggin Hood’s 2018-2019 Game of Thrones rewatch recaps.
For those of you who think I made this into a series just for clicks, I’m offended you saw through me so easily.
My idea for the series is to have one episode dissected each weekday for two weeks, then take a week off to prepare the next season, as well as hopefully sprinkle in a few other things for the non GOT crowd. For those who don’t watch the series, I still encourage you to read as I will tear into things of minor consequence like a lion tears into the slowest of zebras.
This isn’t going to really be a plot synopsis. I’m going to assume that you, the reader(s?) have watched all the episodes and possibly read through the books. Or that you’ve at least read an internet summary of the plot. I mean, who needs world building and dialogue when you have a rough plot outline, an I right? Be aware I’m going to spoil stuff toward the later seasons right in the first review, so if you care about being spoiled, watch everything first. Don’t worry, my posts don’t get timed out. At least not until I get banned for posting very angry rants about certain children who make me extremely angry.

Oh, you’re going to have 67 tough write ups in your future buddy. Hope you don’t have visions of those.

The format will probably evolve over time, but I’ll focus on a very brief summary (actually brief, not just Bloggin Hood Brief), along with pointing out what was good and bad from each episode.  I might highlight a specific character at times too, but that likely won’t occur until later in season 1. It’s a little tough to give focus early on, but I’ll try to make it work as soon as I can. I’ll also focus on a key quote from each episode, and maybe discuss one of the aspects of the world that makes no sense. Basically, I want to complain about things in a format that almost appears entertaining, so that you come back on a day to day basis.
Plus, there will be a nudity and death count for each episode. I always strive to give the people what they want.
After a season is over, we’ll have an awards write up, where seasonal categories will be announced and given out. I’ve already selected a committee to vote on these, so don’t worry that it’s going to be corrupt and play favorites.** All in all, I think this series is built for people who enjoy Game of Thrones, or petty, indefensible rants. It’s win-win.
Let’s end on our final philosophical quote of the day.
“Bloggin Hood is dead” – Various readers, (August-October 2018).
Not quite, though I have a strong feeling season 6 might do me in. Sorry Spam Bots who have taking over the Forums, Bloggin Hood is back. ***
How do I delete spam by the way? Anybody know?
*By short months I mean it’s still close to a year.
**I say don’t worry because it’s definitely corrupt and playing favorites. No use worrying about what can’t be changed.
***Writing the fantasy football preview always leaves me drained but I had no idea it would sap the creativity out of me as bad as it did. We should be back for a while now though.