Site FAQ

What are the best ways to stay up to date with

Besides making this your homepage? Well, if you’re not going to be a team player, you can follow Blogginhood on twitter – @Hanbone24. If you’re against social media, and who could blame you, you can  also subscribe at the bottom of any page to get an email when there’s an update.

What is the release schedule for rants?

New rants will be released three times a week – By 7 AM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. For the foreseeable future, this will be the schedule, though that may change over time, especially if I start working on additional projects.

What other projects? That sounds intriguing.

I don’t really know yet. I did write about 40 scripts for a potential TV series that never went anywhere, so that seems like the most likely scenario. They would need to be overhauled, which would take a while. I haven’t decided if I want to go down that avenue yet, but it’s definitely being considered.

I also could post short stories, plays, novels. Who knows?

Is it true there may be guest blogs?

Yes, there’s the potential for the Merry Men and/or Maid Megan to add to the site’s content. There are a couple of rules to a guest blog for it to be considered. First, you have to be part of the Merry Men (AKA, I know you in real life). Secondly, the topic has to be something I approve of, which outside of religion and politics is probably free game. Finally I have to review it first before you can post it. If it’s just going to be a rant bashing me, I’d like to at least know first.

If guest blogs are written, they will receive a separate page to highlight them. Or to get their stink off of my own. It really depends on the content.

Can I suggest a topic for a rant?

Absolutely. I love having the hard part of writing done for me.

If there are topics you’d like to see, please suggest some in the comments or forums. I won’t guarantee I’ll write on the topic, but I will 100% consider it.