Category: Sports Rants

If it involves athletics, it’ll go here

QB – 3 Up, 3 Down (Audio)

August 13, 2019 By Bloggin Hood

Oh, that’s right. Bloggin Hood is trying to get into the podcast game… sort of. This is the first time I tried this and didn’t use a script. It’s kind of rough, but you get to hear my dulcet tones, so it’s got that going for it. The first person who comments that asks if […]

Fantasy Football Intro or Here We Go Again

August 12, 2019 By Bloggin Hood

I wasn’t going to do it this year. I was finally over Fantasy after an abysmal season where my #1 overall player decided he wasn’t going to show up, multiple people I went all in on sucked, and 30 teams ignoring Christine Michael entirely. Like he wasn’t better than 90% of the backs starting today. […]

GOT Review: Episode 26 – The Climb

January 10, 2019 By Bloggin Hood

Summary – Jon and Ygritte have a climb, Melisandra wants a young man’s body, Tywin and Olenna have a chat, Varys and Littlefinger has a chat, Bran watched a seizure happen and does nothing, Tyrion and Sansa are screwed, Ros is a coat rack, Theon is somehow in worse shape. Quote: Littlefinger – Chaos isn’t a […]

Fantasy Football 2018 Overall Ranks

August 16, 2018 By Bloggin Hood

Well, we’ve made it. After 6 weeks, I’m giving my top 200ish players. I didn’t count it, so it might be less, it might be more. I mean, it’s free so you shouldn’t be expecting a full effort anyway. Players are grouped by rounds, assuming a 12 team league. I also ranked assuming .5 points […]

10 Players I Hate More Than You

August 15, 2018 By Bloggin Hood

Hate is a relative term. For some, it’s a word that means absolutely loathing of a person or thing. Others use it superfluously, stating they hate things that cause the most minor of inconveniences. Certainly, we shouldn’t feel hate often – it’s reserved for extreme situations. For me, my lesson of hate came from a […]

10 Players I Love More Than You

August 14, 2018 By Bloggin Hood

This is not an article I was looking forward to writing, for multiple reasons: 1). This preview is well over 100,000 words. I basically wrote a novel’s worth of information that could be proven false in a few short weeks. Rarely can opinions be wrong. Fantasy football is one of those rare instances. I look […]