Bloggin Hood’s 2019 Fantasy Football TE Review

January 11, 2020 By Bloggin Hood

The 2019 season has ended. To be fair, it ended in September for the team I rooted for due to mono. But that’s besides the point. 

No matter how your fantasy season ended, it’s never too early to start prepping for 2020. This series will give some general thoughts on each position and then my feelings on a randomly determined number of players. It was going to be 10 for all positions, but as usual, things snowballed the further I went. 

Today, we’ll be looking at Tight End, a position I have never given credit to in fantasy. My bias grew so bad, I had several coughing fits during the episode, but no time to re-record. My apologies for that. It gets fairly obvious I had a cold, but my fingers were too slow to hit the mute button in time. At least you get to hear me say Big Waller Brand a copule times to make up for it.